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Change Management
We engage in two types of change management:
  • Organisational Change Management (Bringing about and controlling organisational changes)
  • IT Change Management (Bringing about and controlling changes to IT infrastructures)
Where others assume that all changes are improvements ... ... We carefully examine risks of unwanted consequences of intended changes.
Where others mainly focus on the aspect of intended change ... ... We regard the intended change as part of an interrelating complex and as a potential threat to this complex and to its balance. We also regard the goals that one wishes to achieve with the changes and examine, with regard to a larger organisational context, whether this is truly the best method to achieve those goals.
Where others trust on the expertise and mutual cooperation of those who are to implement the changes ... ... We check, plan, communicate, verify, consult, guide thoroughly, monitor and evaluate actions and events, or their absence.
Where others assume it to be unlikely that something will go wrong ... ... We know that things can go wrong. We take precautionary measures to prevent incidents and accidents from happening, and to resolve them quickly and effectively when they do occur, to restore the initial situation. We do so, before beginning to change anything.

Telephone: +31 (0)6 3300 4094      E-mail: info@vansomeren.com